

Where are your offices?
Offices are just off Old Street, London

What genres of work do you produce?
Commercials & music videos. With anything the favourite work is dependent on so many facets; everyone wants to make work with heart and soul, as well as a client which feels more friend than client.

Diversity Leadership:

As Shiny members, we are supporting free entries for Shiny’s education & training partners (Mama Youth, Brixton Finishing School, Creative Mentor Network, LSA, ELAM and universities & colleges worldwide).

Also as we are on the jury panel for the Shiny awards, we donate prizes to support new & diverse filmmakers.

Number of directors on your signed roster?
We signed 4 directors in the last 6 months, with more on the way

Do you also keep a freelance roster?

Who should new directors contact?
Leann Tarvin New Business/ Directors Rep
How do you prefer directors to contact you?
What should they send you?
How often should they contact you?

Answers to those questions and more about Kode here, from Dan Mallerman Partner and Head of New Business


IRIS Worldwide


Leethal Reppin