Music content commissioning. Recording 6 Jun Written By Caroline Bottomley Do you know what music content commissioners actually need and what you should have on your reel? Andre Reid, founder of and specialist rep for music content, shared invaluable insights during our live Q&A!@mrandrereid who recently served as the Music Video Rep for the mighty @Somesuch production company breaks down these 5 tips:* Start looking at yourself as an asset* Network and connect with other creatives* Never stop learning* Develop your voice* Don’t just send one email - stand out and be creative!PLUS, here's some more tips from Andre:How to break in:1 start looking at yourself as an asset2 network & build relationships3 on set, speak to people on set4 make connections at all levels especially people at the same level as you and in all different kinds of jobs. They are the people who will travel through their careers alongside you5 never stop learning - never get complacent6 develop your voice - there are so many voices & originality really stands out7 be persistent, find different ways to grab people’s attention. Follow up, follow up8 put Shiny in your subject line - make sure I open it.RepMedia are members of Shiny Caroline Bottomley
Music content commissioning. Recording 6 Jun Written By Caroline Bottomley Do you know what music content commissioners actually need and what you should have on your reel? Andre Reid, founder of and specialist rep for music content, shared invaluable insights during our live Q&A!@mrandrereid who recently served as the Music Video Rep for the mighty @Somesuch production company breaks down these 5 tips:* Start looking at yourself as an asset* Network and connect with other creatives* Never stop learning* Develop your voice* Don’t just send one email - stand out and be creative!PLUS, here's some more tips from Andre:How to break in:1 start looking at yourself as an asset2 network & build relationships3 on set, speak to people on set4 make connections at all levels especially people at the same level as you and in all different kinds of jobs. They are the people who will travel through their careers alongside you5 never stop learning - never get complacent6 develop your voice - there are so many voices & originality really stands out7 be persistent, find different ways to grab people’s attention. Follow up, follow up8 put Shiny in your subject line - make sure I open it.RepMedia are members of Shiny Caroline Bottomley