Charlie Roberson Q&A, Rogue Films

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Can you expect an advertising agency to fund a spec ad if you’re a new director without any advertising credits?

I’m keen to get any write ups for a music video I just directed - can anyone recommend magazines/platforms that may want to do a write up?

What kind of experience do directors need before they can work on commercials? I.e. do they have to have worked with particular budgets

Do spec ads actually help people get jobs?

Am I allowed to use a well known brand in a spec ad?For advertising productions, what are the titles of the creative crew that are required?

What are the benefits of new directors getting together and collaborating?

Is there anything that you can talk about regarding foreign reels?

Is there a difference between the us and the uk markets or is it a big difference between the markets?

What’s the best way to get in touch with executive producers?

Is there a way to convince clients to work with new directors that don’t have much experience yet?

I know this QandA is towards aimed directors but do you have any advice for dops trying to break into the branded market?

Are there any benefits in creating commercial work for smaller companies perhaps ones that you already have a connection with?


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